How do you get to Nourlangie rock?
Written by: Cameron Ward
Published: 06/23/2022
Reading time: 3 mins
Kakadu is a natural dreamscape like no other. There is absolutely nowhere else in the world you can see such great red and green wonder in all its prehistoric splendour, with the national park comprising everything from towering waterfalls to idyllic swimming holes, ancient rock art and prehistoric wildlife!
Speaking of ancient rock art, one of Australia’s ultimate Indigenous painting sites is located in one of the park’s most accessible spots: Nourlangie rock.
From a distance, Nourlangie is a monolithic sandstone mass bulging out of the red earth below, towering above the land majestically in all its gigantic splendour.
As if this isn’t impressive enough, but the massive rock is also home to some of the oldest Indigenous wall art that you can find anywhere in the country which, consequently, makes it some of the oldest art you can find anywhere in the world (as Indigenous art is the world’s longest continuing art form!).
The incredible works detail everything from Dreaming figures to animals long since extinct on mainland Australia, making this one of the most unmissable – and unforgettable – sites in the whole national park.
It is super easy to get to Nourlangie, as the site is located just 36 km from Kakadu’s main town, Jabiru. Once you get a ride out there you will come across the 1.5 km Nourlangie Rock Art Walk, allowing you to casually meander your way up to this wondrous site.
Nourlangie never fails to amaze those who climb up into its intersecting paths and marvel upon the mesmerising works, and should always be enjoyed alongside these other Kakadu experiences:
Yellow Water cruises
The Yellow Water billabong is home to Kakadu’s most famous and fearsome predator: the saltwater crocodile, and when we say “home to” we mean they live there in great abundance, casually roaming the waterway in search of a cheeky bite to eat and a place to sunbathe.
Naturally, this makes for the perfect place to enjoy a little croc-spotting, with cruises regularly running and taking you through the element of this most magnificent predator!
Grab a permit and hitch a ride out to this far-flung part of the park, where remote, untouched wonder awaits in great abundance. Jarrangbarnmi comprises stunning views and walks, and is only permitted to a handful of people each day, as it is an important Indigenous and ecological area where there is a great emphasis on preserving its astounding beauty…